
Gniezno - Torun

( 400 km, 12 hours, price: 30 USD including lunch )

Torun, often called the Copernican Town, after the name of its world famous citizen, is one of the oldest and most charming Polish cities. Among its numerous touristic attractions the most outstanding are: the Old Town with a 13th century Town Hall, the house where Nicolaus Copernicus was born, the famous Leaning Tower, fragments of the Teutonic Knights Castle and many churches. During the excursion, a visit to the Piwnice Observatory of the Nicolaus Copernicus University is scheduled. More information on Torun can be found in the Torun Internet Guide

THE PIAST ROUTE : Lednogora - Gniezno - Biskupin

( 200 km, 12 hours, price: 30 USD including lunch)

Poznan and Gniezno (at 50 km distance) were the first Polish capitals. Both cities are connected by a tourist trail known as the Piast Route, witnessing of the distant past of the region.

In the area around Lednogora one can visit the Small Scansen Museum with a few wooden buildings: a 16th century windmill, a granary and the copy of a farm, both from the 18th century. From there, one can go by ferry-boat to the island of Ostrow Lednicki. There is an archeological reservation with preserved parts of a settlement dating from the 9th and 10th centuries, where, according to the legend, the first Polish King to be crowned, Boleslaw The Brave, was born...

Gniezno is famous for its Gothic cathedral surrounded by a circle of chapels. It has very rich interior decorations with Gothic arcades, monuments and tombstones. One of the portals has precious Romanesque Gniezno Doors dating from the 12th century.

The small village of Biskupin embraces an archeological reservation with fragments of an ancient town partly reconstructed (houses, gates, streets, breakwater) from the beginning of the iron age (550-400 BC).

Borowiec - Kornik - Rogalin

( 100 km, 8 hours, price: 20 USD including lunch )

In Borowiec is located the Astrogeodynamical Observatory of the Polish Academy of Sciences with a time service, satellite laser and GPS systems. The neogothic castle in Kornik houses a museum of interiors, a collection of armaments and a library full of old manuscripts, among which the first edition of the Nicolaus Copernicus DE REVOLUTIONIBUS. The castle's garden has been transformed into an arboretum. Another beautiful park is located in Rogalin, where one can admire dozens of oak trees, some of them thousand years old.